About Me
Right now, I'm working full-ish-time on a video game project of mine. I don't have anything further to share yet - stay tuned!
I'm "retired" from software engineering for now and taking a sabbatical to work on side projects. I am not looking for work, but you're welcome to try and pitch an idea to me :)
Most recently, I was a software engineer at Meta Reality Labs Research (formerly called Oculus Research). I built simulators and other tools to advance the state of the art in photonics, optics, and display systems.
Previously, I worked at the Uber Advanced Technologies Group, working on motion planning for self driving cars. Before that, I worked at Amazon on backend software, and a robotics lab before that.
Find me on linkedin.
I taught myself programming in order to bring my ideas for games to life when I was about 13 years old. After building a number of freeware games, I started my first "big" game (i.e, that I intended to sell) at the age of 17. Koya Rift was the result after 1.5 years of work. It's not very good, but I'm happy I saw it through to completion. It was a valuable learning experience!
I've been working on and off on other projects since, which I will eventually share here.